Book Classified & Display Ads in Andhra Prabha Newspaper

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Book Newspaper ads in Andhra Prabha Newspaper!

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Andhra Prabha advertisement rates

Andhra Prabha Display Advertisement rates in Hyderabad start from ₹ 300 sqcm

Get Andhra Prabha display Advertisement rates, resonable Andhra Prabha advertisement rates also Check here latest Andhra Prabha Classified Rate Card, Andhra Prabha ad rate, Andhra Prabha Display Rate Card, Andhra Prabha Obituary Rate Card, Andhra Prabha Matrimonial Ad Rate Card Andhra Prabha Travel Ad Rate Card, Andhra Prabha Property Ad Rate Card

Andhra Prabha Display Ad Rate Card

Rates for Andhra Prabha Display Ad Advertisement w.e.f. 1st January, 2024

All The Ad Rates are in per Sq Cm.
Editions Base Rates Front Page Back Page Any Specified Page
B/W Color B/W Color B/W
Hyderabad City 300 600 900 375 600 375
Ranga Reddy 150 300 450 188 300 188
Medak 150 300 450 188 300 188
Mahaboobnagar 175 350 525 219 350 219
Karamnagar 175 350 525 219 350 219
Warangal 150 300 450 188 300 188
Nizamabad 150 300 450 188 300 188
Adilabad 150 300 450 188 300 188
Nalgonda 150 300 450 188 300 188
Khammam 150 300 450 188 300 188
Visakhapatnam 150 300 450 188 300 188
Vizianagaram 150 300 450 188 300 188
Srikakulam 150 300 450 188 300 188
East Godavari 150 300 450 188 300 188
West Godavari 150 300 450 188 300 188
Vijayawada City 150 300 450 188 300 188
Krishna 150 300 450 188 300 188
Guntur 150 300 450 188 300 188
Nellore 150 300 450 188 300 188
Prakasam 150 300 450 188 300 188
Kurnool 150 300 450 188 300 188
Ananthapur 150 300 450 188 300 188
Chittoor 150 300 450 188 300 188
Kadapa 150 300 450 188 300 188
Main Editions
Hyderabad 408 816 1224 714 816 510
Karamnagar 314 628 942 549.5 628 392.5
Suryapet 204 408 612 357 408 255
Nizamabad 204 408 612 357 408 255
Vijayawada 204 408 612 357 408 255
Guntur 204 408 612 357 408 255
Nellore 204 408 612 357 408 255
Visakhapatnam 204 408 612 357 408 255
Rajahmundry 204 408 612 357 408 255
Kurnool 204 408 612 357 408 255
Ananthapur 204 408 612 357 408 255
Tirupathi 204 408 612 357 408 255
Note:The above tariff may have changed. Please call us and confirm the rates before proceeding.

What is Andhra Prabha Ad Rates?

Cost Of Andhra Prabha News paper Advertisement depends on color, location, size, placement, edition.

Advertisement In Andhra Prabha Newspaper is very easy , just fill the advertisement details in form or just call to our assistant at 67704000.

Andhra Prabha Newspaper Advertisement Rates starts from 250 to 15 lakhs depend on your advertisement format and city you choose, also the placement in Andhra Prabha newspaper like front page, Andhra Prabha todays, and classified page.

Newspaper advertising rates are quoted per square cm. The rate of discount on newspaper cards depends on the size of the ad, inserts and product category.

Andhra Prabha ad Rates

The rates depends on placement in Andhra Prabha Newspaper like Advertising in Andhra Prabha on Front Page, Back Page or Page 3 have more cost than classified section.

The option of placing your advertisement in Andhra Prabha Newspaper will mean you pay less. At Riyoadvertising you will get more discount to publish your ad in Andhra Prabha Newspaper. You can check above Andhra Prabha Ads Rate in detail.

So to check rates for Andhra Prabha advertisement Click here

Andhra Prabha Public Notice Ad Rate in Bhuvneshwar B&W Ad Rate rs. 100.

Andhra Prabha Display Ad Rate in Kumta Front Page B&W Ad Rate rs. 300, Color Ad Rate rs. 375, AND Back Page Ad Rate B&W rs. 225, Color rs. 281, AND Inner Page Ad Rate B&W rs. 150, color ad rate rs. 188.

Andhra Prabha ad Rates for 2024

Andhra Prabha Ad Rates

Riyo Advertisers books advertisements for Andhra Prabha. We accept Display, Appointment, Tender Notice, Public Notice, Obituary, Classified Display and all other types of advertisement. You can give or publish your ad in Andhra Prabha through us.

Andhra Prabha was started in Chennai on August 15, 1938, by Ramnath Goenka's Indian Express group and published from towns inside Andhra Pradesh from the 1950s, to challenge the prominence of the leading Telugu newspaper, Andhra Patrika. In 1960, Andhra Prabha's circulation was 53,000 for its two editions from Vijayawada and Chittoor. Ten years later, then publishing from Vijayawada and Bangalore, circulation reached 1,16,000, vastly surpassing that of Andhra Patrika.

A reader from Bellary originally suggested the name Andhra Prabha, and the management of the newspaper awarded him with the sum of 116 rupees as a token of their gratitude. The paper was initially edited by Khasa Subba Rao who was succeeded by Nyayapati Narayana Murthy. In 1942, Narla Venkateswara Rao was promoted from news-editor to editor of the paper. He held this position for seventeen years, a period of time that is considered epochal in Telugu journalism. He was responsible for many revolutionary changes in headline and caption writing, in the framing of action photos, in news display and in page make-up. It was during Narla's editorship that the paper was closed down for a brief period during the Quit India Movement. The newspaper was shut down for a few months in order to protest the British Government's attempt to impose censorship on the press. The Andhra Prabha was also banned from the State of Mysore and the State of Hyderabad because it opposed the feudal nature of these regimes. Narla later tendered his resignation when he had a falling out with Ramnath Goenka over his sympathy with the workers in the press which resulted in a strike in Chennai. He was succeeded by Neelamraju Venkataseshaiah. Venkataseshaiah was succeeded by Panditharadhyula Nageswara Rao, from 1969–1976.

How to book online Advertisement in Andhra Prabha Newspaper?

We are happy to help you. You can share your advertisement requirements with us by Email / WhatsApp and our Riyo Representative will give you a quote instantly, once you approve we will release the advertisement in The Goan Everyday newspapers.

For Appointment Ads, kindly share your content on our email id or WhatsApp 9821984000, we will share your sample first, once you approve we will release appointment ads in Andhra Prabha . You will received softcopy by Email of your advertisement.

What are Ad Rates In Andhra Prabha Newspaper?

Andhra Prabha Display, Classified, Public Notice Ad rates.

  • Andhra Prabha Public Notice Ad Rate in Bhuvneshwar B&W Ad Rate rs. 100.
  • Andhra Prabha Display Ad Rate in Kumta Front Page B&W Ad Rate rs. 300, Color Ad Rate rs. 375, AND Back Page Ad Rate B&W rs. 225, Color rs. 281, AND Inner Page Ad Rate B&W rs. 150, color ad rate rs. 188.

I would like to place Display Color ads in Andhra Prabha, kindly share the advertisement sizes options ?

There are lot of different sizes are available. The Minimum size for Display ads in Andhra Prabha are as follows: 4 Cm Width X 5 Cm Height = 20 Square Cm, 10 Cm Width X 10 Cm Height = 100 Sq cm, 12 Cm Width X 20 Cm height =240 Square Cm (Quarter Page Ad in Andhra Prabha), 25 Cm Width X 16 Cm height = 400 Square Cm ( Half Page ad in Andhra Prabha).

What is Cost Of Advertising In Andhra Prabha Newspapers

Base rate start from Rs. 45 Of Andhra Prabha Newspaper Advertisement, it depends on color, location, size, placement, edition.

Advertising rates vary from newspaper to newspaper depending on the size of the advertisement and the day it is placed. Cost is determined by the location, city where you want to publisjh your advertisement and size of the advertisement. Sunday is the best day for matrimonial ads. The cost of a Sunday matrimonial advertisement is higher and many newspapers publish special matrimonial supplements.

Newspaper advertising rates are quoted per square cm. The rate of discount on newspaper cards depends on the size of the ad, inserts and product category.

Rate of Andhra Prabha Newspaper Classified Advertisement in Hyderabad City starts from Rs 45 Base Rates, and display ad rate from start Rs 300 black & white and color Rs 900 front page.

Rate of Andhra Prabha Newspaper Classified Advertisement in Hyderabad (Telangana) starts from Rs 300 Base Rates, and display ad rate from start Rs 408 black & white and color Rs 1224 front page.

Rate of Andhra Prabha Newspaper Classified Advertisement in Vijayawada (Andhra) starts from Rs 150 Base Rates, and display ad rate from start Rs 204 black & white and color Rs 612 front page.

Rate of Andhra Prabha Newspaper Classified Advertisement in Kurnool (Rayalaseema) starts from Rs 150 Base Rates, and display ad rate from start Rs 204 black & white and color Rs 612 front page.

The option of placing your advertisement in Andhra Prabha Newspaper will mean you pay less. At Riyoadvertising you will get more discount to publish your ad in Andhra Prabha Newspaper. You can check above Andhra Prabha Ads Rate in detail.

How to Book Ads in Andhra Prabha Newspaper:


Text Classified Ads in Andhra Prabha Newspaper : –Text ads of small sizes (Classifieds) can be booked with easy text style and some part of the text can be highlighted with bold or capital letters.

Display Classified Ads in Andhra Prabha Newspaper - These ads have better visual effects to attract readers. It can have logos or other visuals supported by the text lines which can be booked in black and white or colour.

How a display ad is different from other classified ads? A display ad is printed in more space like full, half or quarter page or as per requirement.

Display ads have better visual effect, and generate better response. A lot of creative work can be carried out in Display ads because of the uses of images, Colours and decorative fonts that are used.

Your one-stop shop for all your advertising needs.

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